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Medicine Singers

Writer's picture: Rosie G.Rosie G.

It's funny I should have come across this group after watching the amazing documentary, Rumble: The Indians that Rocked the World on Netflix. Our native Americans were the first to create many of the music genres we listen to today like, jazz, blues, rock, and more. In listening to many of the songs I loved how I can pick those genres from their sounds.

Medicine Singers who have just released their debut album, Daybreak is a collaboration between the Algonquin powwow group the Eastern Medicine singers, jazz trumpeter, Jaimie Branch, and guitarist, Yonatan Gat from the group Monotonix. There are also other guest musicians on the record such as ambient instrumentalist, Laraaji, synth masters Ryan Olsen and Gelbart. The Eastern Medicine singers are preserving the Algonquin prayer that is sacred to the indigenous people in Massachusetts. The mix is incredible and you can feel the spirit of the earth and our ancestors rising up in you as you listen. Check out the Hawk Song and feel the sounds of the drums along with a guitar sound reminiscent of Scottish bagpipes. Go and listen to this album and support independent music and musicians. Happy listening!




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