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Jalen N'Gonda


by Rosie G.

September 12, 2023

When I hear music that is paying homage to the past I have to take a listen. In listening to singer-songwriter Jalen N’Gonda’s latest single he reminded me of the soul music of days gone by. He was born in Maryland but decided moving to the city of Liverpool, England would prepare him for his career in music. He wasn’t wrong in his decision.

His musical influences are not just soul legends like James Brown or Otis Redding but also The Beatles and The Beach Boys. Since arriving in England he has been playing the club circuit and has even opened up for singer Lauryn Hill at the Montreal Jazz Festival. This soulful-voiced artist is creating a stir and it won’t be long before the world knows about him. He made his debut in 2018 with the song “Don’t You Remember” on the Colors Show and things have taken off from there.

He just released his debut album, Come Around And Love Me, I have it on my playlist and can’t stop playing the title song. Reminds me of Marvin Gaye in sound. Jalen N’Gonda is now on tour and will play the venue Racket here in NYC on September 16th, be sure to get your tix and catch him live. Support independent music and musicians worldwide. Happy listening!

"That's All I Wanted From You"

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