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Vanessa Zamora

April 1, 2023

One of the amazing things about having great friends who also breathe music like me is having them tell you about artists to check out. My good friend Chuck Rue who at one time was a director at Screen Gems publishing told me to check out Vanessa Zamora. I was floored by her music and decided to have her as our April featured artist of the month and our 2ferTuesday feature.

Vanessa Zamora from Tijuana, Mexico grew up with parents who were both pianists and music was a constant in her home. When she was a child she started playing guitar, piano, and drums and started her training at the Academia de Música de Mexico. At age 18 while attending college she started recording videos of covers and uploading them to YouTube. She is a multi-instrumentalist who has always had as she calls it, a “brain drain” since she has been writing lyrics in notebooks about her experiences. In 2012 she released her EP Correr and after graduating college released her debut album, Hasta La Fantasia in 2014.

Her music is a mix of rock with pop and folk elements and her lyrics and singing are honest and straightforward. In 2018 she released her 2nd album Tornaluna with my favorite song “Puro Pasado.” This past February she released her new album, Damaleona, and we are looking forward to a tour with hopefully some gigs here in NYC. Check out this talented singer-songwriter and support independent music and musicians worldwide. Happy listening!

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by Rosie G.

"Ojo de Dios"

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